"to die, but not to perish, is to be eternally present." Buddhist Proverb
1. LISTEN to what is being said and what is not
2. OBSERVE the language of the body
3. Notice how something is being expressed and what words are used
4. What you feel is as important as what you hear and see
5. Be willing to adapt and to adjust to the moment
6. Notice how your body and words express your projections
7. Notice when you are asleep and why
8. Keep breathing. Allow space for humor, warmth, and grief
9. Compassion is one of the highest forms of being present
10. Acknowledge and utilize the wisdom that is in each person
11. Accept and Validate the truthfulness of each person's perception
12. Notice where someone begins and ends
13. Notice what is in the middle of the room
14. Model acceptance and openness to conflict, anger, and pain
15. Acknowledge the courage and intimacy of being vulnerable
16. Be kind to yourself and others